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Standing Pilates 2

This week’s video moves FAST! We are still working through our Standing Pilates Series, and during the workout, I am trying to keep your heart rate up while having you actively work your upper and lower body simultaneously. You will be holding lots of lunge and squat type positions, and maintaining your form, as always, will be key in working your core to stabilize and direct the movements. Some of these exercises have been modified from their original versions, so check out all of the details below!

Arm Curls

Also known as “Bicep Curls”, these standing arm exercises are working just that – your biceps! I go through 3 variations of the curls, and it’s imperative that you are not swinging your arms back and forth, but always controlling the movement BOTH ways. In the first 2 levels, I am going weight-free, so you can really feel the resistance both on the extension and flexion of the arms. Keep your wings/lats down, ribs closed, shoulders open, and you will really feel your entire upper back working, not just your arms. Go at your pace or try and keep up with my crazy, cold brew caffeinated speed lol!

Standing Pilates Exercise - Arm Curls (Front)

Standing Pilates Exercise - Arm Curls (Side)

boxing & bug

In this video, these 2 exercises have been modified from their classic versions. If you are able, you can try and flatten your back parallel to the ground while working the arms, but I find a slightly slanted position more comfortable for my knees (in a 45 degree angle). Whether in a tabletop position with your back, or slanted in the position I am performing the exercises in, keep your abdominals engaged so that your back is not arching. Like the Arm Curls, it is important to control the arm movements both ways when extending a single arm for Boxing or the Bug.

Standing Pilates Exercise - Boxing (Modified - Prep Position)

Standing Pilates Exercise - Boxing (Modified - Execution Position)

boxing & fencing

These exercises are performed on the Cadillac (a classic, spring-based apparatus invented by Joseph Pilates). However, for this video, the lower body will be executing the moves exactly like you would on the apparatus, but for the upper body, instead of using springs, we are adding free weights (make sure these are light approximately 1-5 lbs. max), and creating resistance both ways to mimic the movements as close to their original form as possible. Pay attention to getting in and out of the stances, as these will be pivotal in helping you keep your balance, form, all while getting the benefits of working the inner thighs, glutes and quads.

Standing Pilates Exercise - Boxing (Lunge Position)

Standing Pilates Exercise - Fencing (Prep Position)

Standing Pilates Exercise - Fencing (Execution Position)

Now, are you ready for a serious arm and leg power workout?? Click on the video below and let’s get to it!!

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