Garlic Keeper

I previously posted about my garlic keeper for Earth Day 2021. For me, Earth Day is just another reminder of the gratitude I feel for each and every day that I get to celebrate and enjoy all of God’s creations that surround me…sometimes my actions may be small, but trying to do my part in being more mindful, less wasteful and respecting this beautiful earth!

While I haven’t made the switch to an entirely fuel efficient car, become completely plant based or living a zero waste lifestyle, I am taking little steps everyday to take care of our planet. The one thing I really try hard not to do is waste food! Especially with blogging and trying out new recipes all of the time, I want to make sure that nothing gets wasted. However, things do tend to go bad because I forget about them in my fridge or pantry.

Planning meals and buying just want I need for the week has been helping a lot! I used to leave my garlic bulbs out too long and they would definitely grow a ton of sprouts and go moldy if left in the fridge. Once I got my little garlic keeper from Sawyer Ceramics, I have noticed that my bulbs are way happier! They seem to last longer and don’t sprout as quickly. I have been keeping just 1-2 bulbs in there a week instead of pre-peeling and refrigerating a ton like I used to.

Also pictured here is an adorable set of ceramic garlic keepers from Sarit Ceramics. They have a lovely shop on Etsy and you compare to see if you like the one I purchased recently and LOVE vs. the many other beautiful and useful options out there. Supporting small businesses, shopping local when I can, and making only enough food so that less is wasted, are some of the ways that I am trying to respect, preserve and hopefully enjoy this blessed planet for many years to come!

