Pilates Mini Mat 1

Our very first fitness video series covers some key exercises from the classic Pilates Mat Work. Since we are only doing a few exercises from the original sequence, we are calling it a “mini mat”! You can repeat this video for a longer workout, but short or long, it is still crazy challenging!!

In this mini mat series, we will be breaking down multiple levels of the “Series of 5”, which are five abdominal exercises done one after the other, targeting the entire abdominal wall. We will also be covering several other mat exercises, but not in the classic order.

Remember, a classic Pilates Mat class would not be in this format, but instead you would be going through 50-60 beautifully choreographed moves, focusing on the 6 key Pilates principles of centering, concentration, control, precision, breath, and flow. As a certified Pilates instructor, I am honored and privileged to teach you how to safely, and effectively, execute each and every move using these principles. With over 20 years of experience behind me, I am here to train, sweat, laugh and even moan our way through it TOGETHER lol. Now, let’s get to it!!

Single Leg Stretch

Pilates Mat Exercise - Single Leg Stretch

This exercise can be done with your head rested or elevated, and focuses on lengthening, coordination and control. The height of your legs will also be determined by the strength in your lower abdominals. You don’t want your back to arch up off your mat…EVER! At least not during Pilates!! As we go through all 3 levels of difficulty, you have the option of performing the more advanced variations, or simply stick to what feels best for your body, whichever level that may be. Just remember to keep on moving the entire time!

double leg stretch

Pilates Mat Exercise - Double Leg Stretch

If you want a seriously excruciating, but rewarding ab exercise, this next one is for you. It’s called Double Leg Stretch, and it’s always reminded me of a spring board dive. Imagine jumping off the board, tucking your knees to your chest, then extending arms and legs out to make that 10/10 plunge! Just remember to keep your chin to your chest (if you choose to elevate your head), and suck in that belly button! You’ll be working the transverse abdominis, the deepest layer of the abdominals by doing this, and your back will thank you for it!

Pilates Mat Exercise - Single Straight Leg Stretch

single straight leg stretch

I love this exercise in the Series of 5, because it almost feels like you’re getting a small break…yeah right! No breaks in Pialtes lol. Well, it feels nicer on the body because you are doing a dynamic stretch with each leg, as your upper and lower abdominals are engaged. The most important part is to grab up as high as you can on the “straight leg”, or hamstring being stretched, and giving it “pull-pull”…oh, and breathing, and sucking in the belly button, and squeezing the cheek of the bottom leg!

Ok, enough explaining, you just gotta try it out for yourselves! Put on your lulus and watch and follow the video below already. Please subscribe and share and I’ll see you on the next one!

*before beginning this video, please read our disclaimer


Pilates Mini Mat 2


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