We are officially OPEN!

Happie At Home Pilates Studio
part 2

It’s been 3 months now since we officially opened the doors to the Happie At Home Pilates Studio! Things have been so busy that I haven’t been able to share these beautiful studio pics by SDK PHOTO with you, but here they are!

I still cannot believe that this 20+ year dream of mine has literally come true…I am not only the happiest I can be, training in my very own Pilates studio, but I now get to share this serene space with my clients, neighbors, and also create a video library of workouts (coming very soon!) from my own home.

I fought against the idea at first, but clearing out our garage, to make room for the studio, was the best decision. The customized pieces from Balanced Body didn’t exactly arrive on time, but after 4 months of waiting, the delivery finally got scheduled, and we had exactly 1 week to get rid of all of life’s junk, boxes, surf gear, car parts, paint, not to mention remediate a moldy 16' x 16’ 1920’s garage space to get ready for the big day!!

Once the truckload of boxes had arrived, we started unpacking, and assembled all of the equipment in one long night with the help of my mentor and wifey for lifey, Thalia Thomas. I had been curating pieces for over a year to put the final touches together, and on March 20th, 2022, we had an opening party to celebrate the HAH Pilates Studio opening! More on that next time though, friends!

Every time I step into this space, I thank my dear Lord for not only making it all happen, but for brining me back to my true calling. I pray that anyone who enters will be blessed, learn about the endless ways to strengthen their bodies through the method, heal, laugh, and sweat like never before! Be sure to check out the before and after under my IG reels tab!


Pilates Mini Mat 1


My Pilates Story